You can make your bird scream though, so I guess that’s something unique this game offers. If you’re looking for any sort of contemporary features, you won’t really find any. However, the skateboarding arguably has less nuance than skateboarding games from the N64 and PS1 era. You’re not really playing for score much, just doing random missions scattered throughout each map. Granted, what tricks you do don’t particularly matter. This means that if you want to spin your bird to the right, you actually have to hold left on the control stick. When you go up a quarter pipe or half pipe ramp, the camera doesn’t change perspective at all. Things like grinding rails feels like a 50% chance you’ll actually grind it and 50% chance nothing will happen. Something as simple as turning around can cause your bird to just fall off the skateboard. As you start to skate around though, things will just feel bad.
#Ernesto de la cruz quote pro
They are reasonably intuitive if you’ve played a skateboarding game in the vein of Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater, this will seem familiar. The controls are unresponsive and clunky. The controls and actual skateboarding mechanics are so bad that it’s hard to imagine this being a real attempt to make something fun, but it also doesn’t lean into being goofy and weird enough for it to feel like that’s what it’s going for.

I can’t tell if SkateBIRD is a sincere attempt at a skateboarding game with a gimmick, or of it’s meant to be something akin to Goat Simulator, where it’s sort of bad and janky on purpose to be funny.